packaging your invitations
Congrats! You have your invites! This feeling becomes super real once they hit the post office and into your guests hands!
Before You Start
Take one complete set to the post office to be weighed! Ask the clerk to determine how much postage you will need. Don’t forget your international guests! Purchase enough stamps for your outer envelope and response envelope. You can apply these during stuffing of the envelopes.
Prepare Your Area
Double check that you have all pieces of your invitation order, addressed envelopes, postage, envelope moistener (water) and any adhesive or supplies needed to complete the invitation.
Use clean hands and clean surface. Make sure to dry your hands and surface.
response card first
Stamp your response envelopes
On the back of the response card, write a tiny number in the bottom corner with a pencil. On the guest list, note which guest coordinates with which number. If people don’t reply, or reply without a name, you can check who’s missing.
stacking the enclosures
Place the RSVP card under the flap of its envelope so the card is face up and the addressed side of the envelope is face down.
Stack the enclosures face-up in order of size, with the largest piece on the bottom.
stuffing envelope
If you’re using an inner envelope, place it inside the mailing envelope with the guest names facing the open side of the envelope.
Place the invitation and inserts in the envelope so that they are right-side-up when pulled out with your right hand.
sealing the envelope
Inner envelopes should be left unsealed and often don’t even have adhesive on the flap.
Use a damp sponge or saliva, but whatever you use, don’t over-wet the adhesive- use just enough to activate the glue.
Send them out! Have Fun